
First Aid Kit

The typographic First Aid Kit gives designers a wide variety of letter forms. Each font weight is a standalone mini typeface with a lot of character. This collection is a perfect starting point for a branding process or designing expressive posters.

The kit is also a reflection on my over 12 years of work in type design. I became early focused in developing typefaces with lot of font weights. In 2021, I republished all my typefaces as variable fonts.

Building large typographical systems is fun, however also limiting. A day has eight working hours a week has 5 working days. The conceptual phase of a typeface is about 10% of the development process. The other 90% is detail work and fine tuning all shapes.

Therefore, a set of mini typefaces in one font‑family intrigued me. I could use ideas I had; and finish them without having to think on how the shapes behave in Thin or in Black. I just could develop my favourite font‑weight.

This typeface is a tutti‑frutti of 13 font‑weights and a lot of fun for the user as well for the type designer.

Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert?
Zwischen heut und morgen liegt eine lange Frist; lerne schnell besorgen, da du noch munter bist.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Was wir wissen, ist eine Badewanne. Was wir nicht wissen, ist ein Ozean.
Make hay while the sun shines or bring hair dryer.
There is no shame in not knowing, the shame lies in not finding out.
Ärgere dich nicht, dass die Rosen Dornen haben, sondern freu dich, dass die Dornen Rosen haben.
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm, es wäre denn, er steht im Hang.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Opportunity does not knock until you build a door.
Wer Pech hat im Spiel hat Glück
in der Liebe.
The comeback is greater than the setback?
Die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters?
First Aid Kit A
First Aid Kit B
First Aid Kit C
First Aid Kit D
First Aid Kit E
First Aid Kit F
First Aid Kit G
First Aid Kit H
First Aid Kit I
First Aid Kit J
First Aid Kit K
First Aid Kit L
First Aid Kit M


Desktop: otf (PS)
Web: woff / woff2 
App: otf (PS)

Language Support

Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement and Latin Extended-A.

Afaan Oromo Bemba Bosnian Catalan Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Filipino Finnish French German Hungarian Indonesian Irish Italian Ilocano Javanese lat. Kurdish lat. Latvian Lithuanian Malay Norwegian Polish Portuguese Quechua Romanian Romansh Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swahili Swedish Tagalog Turkish Wolof Zulu

..see the complete list here!

A U+0041
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