
Spezia Serif

Designed to offer unparalleled flexibility, Spezia Serif is a versatile typeface capable of meeting a wide range of design needs. With 144 font weights at its disposal, it effortlessly handles typographic challenges, from small footnotes to elegant magazine titles.

Drawing inspiration from late 19th-century transitional typefaces, Spezia Serif embodies a timeless yet contemporary aesthetic. Its meticulously crafted shapes prioritize simplicity and essentiality.

Within the Spezia Serif family, distinct variations cater to different purposes. The headline version (A) showcases sleekness, high contrast, and intricate details, while the small text version (D) embraces openness and a monolinear design.

Paired with its sans sibling, Spezia Serif forms a cohesive typographic system, empowering designers to finely tune their compositions. Find more information about the design process of Spezia Serif at our notes.

Spezia Serif includes three subfamilies: Condensed, Narrow, and Normal. The typeface is available as individual weights and as a variable font.

Piz Signina
Seppie col nero alla veneziana Observatorium geschlossen Lo que se siembra de recoge Pizzo Fiorèra 2921 m s.l.m. ¿ojé me llamas por teléfono? Phở là một món ăn truyền Earth’s atmospheric weather all that glitters is not gold Pen is mightier than sword. A rising tide lifts all boats
Los Pirineos son más antiguos que los Alpes: sus sedimentos se depositaron por primera vez en las cuencas costeras durante las eras Paleozoica y Mesozoica. Hace entre 100 y 150 millones de años, durante el período Cretácico Inferior, el golfo de Vizcaya se desplegó, empujando a la España actual contra Francia y aplicando una intensa presión de compresión a grandes capas de roca sedimentaria. La intensa presión y la elevación de la corteza terrestre afectaron primero a la parte oriental y se movieron progresivamente a toda la cadena, culminando en la Época del Eoceno. La parte oriental de los Pirineos se compone principalmente de rocas de granito y gneiss, mientras que en la parte occidental los picos de granito están flanqueados por capas de piedra caliza. El carácter masivo y sin uso de la cordillera proviene de su abundancia de granito, que es resistente a la erosión.
The International Typographic Style has had a profound influence on graphic design as a part of the modernist movement, affecting many design-related fields; including architecture and art. It emphasises cleanness, readability, and objectivity. Hallmarks of the style are asymmetric layouts, use of a grid, sans-serif typefaces and flush left, ragged right text. The style is also associated with a preference for photography in place of illustrations or drawings. Many of the early International Typographic Style works featured typography as a primary design element besides its use in text, and it is for this that the style is named. The style emerged from a desire to represent information objectively, free from the influence of associated meaning. The International Typographic Style evolved as a modernist graphic movement that sought to convey messages clearly and in a universal manner.
Wie auf dem festen Land, so gibt es auch im Meer, Erhöhungen und Schluchten. Viele Berge unter dem Meer sind höher, manche Gebirgszüge sind länger, viele Schluchten tiefer als irgendwo auf dem Festen. Wenn man den höchsten Berg mit seinen 8847 Metern Höhe, in die tiefste Tiefe versenken wollte, so würden immer noch gut 2186 Meter Wassertiefe über seinem Gipfel liegen. Während aber alle Erhebungen auf dem festen Land dem ständigen, zermürbenden Angriff von Erosion ausgesetzt sind, stehen die Gebirge unterm Meer unversehrt im stillen Wasser der Abgründe. Lediglich ihre obersten Spitzen, die durch das Wasser durchstoßen und uns als Inseln erscheinen, werden vom Wind, von der Brandung und vom Regen angegriffen. Der Meeresboden ist in drei Abschnitte unterteilt : den Kontinental-Schelf, den Kontinental-Abfall und den Tiefseeboden.
Book A
Book Italic A
Regular A
Regular Italic A
Medium A
Medium Italic A
SemiBold A
SemiBold Italic A
Bold A
Bold Italic A
Black A
Black Italic A
Book B
Book Italic B
Regular B
Regular Italic B
Medium B
Medium Italic B
SemiBold B
SemiBold Italic B
Bold B
Bold Italic B
Black B
Black Italic B
Book C
Book Italic C
Regular C
Regular Italic C
Medium C
Medium Italic C
SemiBold C
SemiBold Italic C
Bold C
Bold Italic C
Black C
Black Italic C
Book D
Book Italic D
Regular D
Regular Italic D
Medium D
Medium Italic D
SemiBold D
SemiBold Italic D
Bold D
Bold Italic D
Black D
Black Italic D

Language Support Latin Complete

This typeface supports a wide range of languages which use the Latin alphabet. You can use the typeface in most languages in the Americas, Europe and Australia, as well in much African languages and even in some Asian languages like Vietnamese.

Find the complete list → here!


Desktop: otf (PS)
Variable Desktop: TTF-Variable-Font
Web: woff / woff2  /
Web Variable: woff / woff2 
App: otf (PS) / TTF-Variable-Font
Variable App: TTF-Variable-Font

Variable Fonts Version

Complete (Thin → Black / Condensed → Normal / Small Text → Display)
Normal (Thin → Black / Small Text → Display)
Narrow (Thin → Black / Small Text → Display)
Condensed (Thin → Black / Small Text → Display)

Please have a look at our Frequently Ask Questions, in case you have further questions. Or finde more information about Spezia Serif at our notes.

Download PDF Samples of the Fonts! Specimen
Download test Fonts and give it a go! Test
Purchase a Desktop Web or App Licence! Buy
A U+0041
Soft Soft
(Default) Proportional Lining Figures
Tabular Lining Figures
$214 $214
Proportional Oldstyle Figures
$214 $214
Scientific Inferiors
Slashed Zero
204 204
Case-Sensitive Punctuation
¿Qué? ¿Qué?
Contextual Alternates (in Uprights only)
Eggy Eggy
Alternate Glyphs (in Italics only)
witz witz
5a5o 5ª5º
15 ⁄ 32 15⁄32
Numerators and Denominators
2H5 2H5
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
Spezia Serif Font Luzi Type Foundry
variable font Spezia and Spezia Serif Luzi Type Foundry

Featured in our notes: Summary of the design process of Spezia and Spezia Serif

10th anniversary Bark Luzi Type

Featured in our notes: A world map showcases how Spezia and Spezia Serif can creatively stretch typographic possibilities.